New ADVANCED TOPICS Boot Camp for Camtasia Studio
“His in-classroom training was invaluable… Thanks to Daniel, two years later, we’re editing like pros. All thanks to Daniel Park.”
– Matt Wohl, Marketing Manager for Log On to Learn, an on-demand library of software tutorial videos.
A funny thing happened when I sent the offer of our Camtasia Studio 8 Boot Camp out into the wild. In addition to an enthusiastic response from Camtasia newbs, it garnered the attention of several people who already know Camtasia Studio pretty well, but who wanted to know it like I do . They wanted to train up on special topics like equipment, third-party software, hosting, best workflow practices, recording the best possible audio, even the basics of running a consultancy. They asked to join the course.
I initially said, “the more the merrier,” but then started to get a little nervous about putting these folks in the same room with a bunch of screencasting greenhorns.
So I decided to double down. On September 26-27, also in Chicago, we’re hosting a two-day Advanced Topics Boot Camp specifically for more experienced users.
Call me kooky, but I wanted to make sure that everyone who makes this kind of investment with me has the best experience possible, one that’s appropriate to their own level of screencasting savvy. Even if we don’t get a single additional signup, I’d rather spend the extra time and money splitting folks into two groups, and have both be amazing, than cram 15 differently-skilled people into a room for only two days, and end up boring some to tears while leaving others in the dust.
And here’s the beauty of the Advanced Topics boot camp: it is entirely user-driven.
What does this mean? Simple: I’ll be teaching exclusively what you really want to know. I’ll be collecting survey data on our learners’ strengths, the gaps in their knowledge, and what they’d really like to take away from the course. I then custom-design a curriculum just for the people in the room. Day One is all about addressing these issues. By the end of the day, you’ll not only have your own burning questions answered, but I also guarantee that someone else’s query will end up solving a problem you never knew you had.
Day Two is when we’ll be putting this knowledge into practice. Rather than work with generic exercises, you’ll come into the course with ideas and assets for your own projects. During these practice sessions, I’ll encourage you to occasionally “drive” the projector and share ideas with your fellow learners, all the while benefiting from the expert guidance of one of the most experienced, prolific, and exceptionally good-looking screencasters in the business.
It’s like having a screencasting guardian angel perched on your shoulder
while you work.
And of course, just like the Basic Training Boot Camp (for which a few seats are still available), you’ll also get a complimentary copy of Camtasia Studio 8: The Definitive Guide as well as a free 30-minute consult with me to clear up any lingering questions or problems.
To my knowledge, this kind of screencasting training event has never been done, and I can’t wait to see what kind of questions and issues people come up with. In truth, I’m rather kicking myself for not having offered this a long time ago.
After all, lots of people out there can teach the basics of Camtasia Studio. But only a scant few (truly — you can count us on one hand) are qualified to teach The Art of Screencasting, and that’s exactly what I’m proposing here. Join me, won’t you?