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  1. Emily
    February 16, 2016 @ 9:53 am

    Nice write up, Daniel! 🙂
    Everything you share is so right on.
    Thank you!!


  2. linda r
    August 8, 2017 @ 1:10 pm

    Good points made. I did not see mentioned, however, the new fed regs mandating 30second or longer public video MUST be captioned. I am in higher ed and we emphasize captioning, multiple modalities, or full accompanying transcript alternatives (with images) as a good Universal Design approach. And our ADA compliance protocols on campus require all users of our LMS or web spaces to be trained in Universal Design. Also what I really liked in Camtasia 9 was how easily a transcript could be synched to a video, just by listening and clicking as it progresses, making the crafting of a written transcript prior to recording a true advantage. Also, I like that Camtasia will use the speech to text tool of your computer, and if you have trained it well, the only thing you need to add is punctuation.


  3. Doug Garfield
    June 8, 2020 @ 4:08 pm

    Outstanding (as usual), Daniel.


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